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Directory Details

Who is listed in StanfordWho?

The Stanford directory includes nearly everyone who is actively affiliated with Stanford University and the hospitals.

People listed in the StanfordWho Directory
  • current students and post-doctoral scholars
  • MLA and NDO students
  • current and emeritus faculty
  • current regular and temporary/casual University staff
  • emeritus University staff
  • sponsored affiliates (e.g., contractors)

Who is not listed in StanfordWho?

Some populations are not included in the StanfordWho directory — but there may be other directories available to find them.

People not listed in StanfordWho Available Directories
Current hospital staff
Alumni (following grace period expiration)
Former students, staff, or faculty  
Courtesy affiliates (spouses, courtesy card holders, etc.)  

Public and restricted views

The default mode of StanfordWho is "public" — this is the view that the general public can see, and includes only those people who have chosen to make their listing public.

Members of the Stanford community, including affiliated organizations such as Stanford Health Care and Stanford Children's Health, can log in to the restricted view. This view includes more people, and individual listings often include more information than the public view.

To search the Stanford- and Affiliates-only directory, you must have an active SUNet ID and academic or administrative privileges. Most people who are listed in the directory can log in to the Stanford view, with some exceptions (e.g., incoming students not yet on campus).

You can access the Stanford-only view directly.

Visibility and privacy settings

Each person's listing in the Stanford directory is governed by visibility and privacy settings they control, either via Axess (for students) or via StanfordYou (for staff and faculty).

Note for Students: See the Directory Information page for a list of items regarded as directory information according to the Office of the University Registrar.

Faculty and staff can choose whether to be listed in public view, the Stanford-only view, or unlisted (private). Students can be in the public view or unlisted.

If your directory preference is:

  • public: your listing will appear in both the public view of the directory and the Stanford-only view. Anyone can find you—but only by searching for the specific information you have made available to the directory.
  • Stanford: your listing will not appear in the public view of the directory, no matter what kind of search is performed. In the Stanford view, your listing will appear with an indicator to show that you are not listed in the public directory. This helps the searcher see who has been added to the results list by searching the Stanford-only directory, and serves as a reminder to not disclose your information outside the Stanford community.
  • private: your listing will not appear in either the public or the Stanford- and Affiliates only view. No matter what kind of search is performed, your information will not be included in any results set. Note that this usually includes the printed annual directory, unless your organization chooses to override settings through Organization Manager.
Last modified February 2, 2022